Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to not catch what your co-worker has

I just saw this article and thought it worth sharing since most people work around other people.
 I thought this article applies not only to the office environment, but every environment, even to those who drive for a living, or work around kids. Germs can be spread when you or anyone else touches that object. This article says a desk has more bacteria than a toilet seat. Gross! It costs time and money when illness strikes from being infected by germs.  Hygiene and cleanliness can cut this down. Keeping hands and surfaces clean will go a long way. Makes good sense and a good habit to follow daily. Wash those hands often.

always wash hands after restroom at home and in public

Photo credit: kconnors from morguefile.com

Friday, March 11, 2011

Rebounder with resistance can't be beat for exercise

I see all sorts of exercise equipment for sale. I can't find any exercise that combines it all together that you can get resistance, rebounding, strength, aerobics, balance, core and cardio all together in one. Each in itself is great, but combined all together, awesome. What I think makes it special on top of all the above is the gentle bouncing. It looks innocent and effortless, but once you step off the rebounder, that's how you can tell how much your lower extremities have been working just doing the gentle bouncing, not even lifting your feet off the rebounder, and this gentle bouncing up and down affects your very important lymphatic system. You get so much with hardly putting forth serious effort in exercise. Your heart, your joints, your muscles, your bones, all engaged and you burn lots of calories. And it's fun. What more can I say. Get your own rebounder with resistance bands and get these benefits for your health.

See my Fitness Page on more on the rebounder

With a rebounder with resistance bands- have fun. & get top fitness

Photo credit: click from morguefile.com

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My first heart rate monitor watch

I have to admit I've been having difficulty finding my pulse to count beats when I take a break during exercise to check if I'm in my target heart rate zone.  So I finally came across a heart monitor watch that looked simple and was very reasonably priced.  I wanted one to count my heart beats, not decipher log rhythms or have GPS capability.  So I bought it, read the instructions, input my personal data easily, and so far I really like it.  It gives me an indication of the effort and energy I need to be exerting to be in my zone for burning fat. All I have to do is press the mode button until the little heart on the face blinks, place my index finger over the area so it can read the pulses in my finger, and in a few seconds the heart monitor calculates and displays my heart beats per minute.  I don't have to find my pulse or wear a strap around my chest. Simple. I really like simple.

Now, you go and find one of your own so you can know your beats per minute while exercising. And go back and review my posting on getting fit and calculating your heart target zone numbers.

You know rebounding is one of my favorite exercises, not at all like jumping on a trampoline as the young lad in the photo below, but if I were a kid again,  I'd definitely try jumping this high. The good thing is there does look to be a high enough protective net around this trampoline to keep trampoliners from tumbling off onto the ground. Go to my Fitness page and see the Yoga Bounce Video on the mini-trampoline/rebounder I enjoy for exercising and raising my heart rate. Just bouncing and doing upper arm resistance exercises while bouncing or jogging on the rebounder really gets my heart rate up. Now you go out and get your owe have fun while getting fit and losing weight. 

jumping on trampoline for fun and fitness 
Photo credit: click from morguefile.com

 I think heart rate monitor watches are gems.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Folk Remedies

I landed on a site this morning and spent some time viewing it. It's on folk remedies and I think you also will find it interesting and useful.  I'm interested to know more about apple cider vinegar and it's uses and benefits.  I've been experiencing acid indigestion and I've got to find something to put this problem to rest.  Let know what you find at earthclinic.com. Click the tabs to look up your particular health issue(s).

Before the big pharmaceutical companies came on the scene, what people used was folk remedies. Just because scientists haven't learned enough to know about all the complexities of 'things natural', doesn't mean remedies from natural don't offer some pretty helpful benefits to us. Little by little science is proving that some folk remedies offer some very valuable properties after seeing that things in nature does offer what we need to help in health and healing.  There is still much to learn and man may never have all the answers to what single thing works the best. 

Apples- a very nutritious fruit

Photo credit: d_hatch from morguefile.com

Folk remedies have been around a long time. Natural gems for sure.  But use wisely, and see your physician to not neglect getting a proper medical diagnosis/treatment.

Folk remedies have been used for centuries

Photo credit: anitapatterson from morguefile.com

Be sure to read more on nutrition at natural2bhealthy.com