There is no limited supply of chemicals to clean your home. Walk down any store isle and you'll almost be knocked in the face with tidal wave of
VOC's. So, if you're wanting to limit and reduce subjecting yourself to breathing these chemicals into your lungs, you have some choices, and they really are good, healthy choices.
1. Don't walk down the cleaning isle in stores for starters. Save your lungs. There really should be a caution sign before entering that isle that your lungs are at risk. 2. Switch to products that don't have chemicals you can't pronounce. I like using products that makes my home smell wonderful, clean well, and aren't a health risk to use. I use a great product called
Thieves® Household Cleaner. Those amazing essential oils to the rescue
I can even put my nose up to the bottle and take a big whiff and
not pass out. I couldn't do that with cleaners in the store isles. Find this product on
my website under "Links" on the right side column YoungLiving Essential Oils and Health products. Try it.
That's a real gem for ya. Short and sweet.